< November: The Importance of Friendship
DECEMBER: living with authority
Main Points of Class
Authority is a necessary and good aspect of life; you need to learn to deal with it properly or you will miss out on many very good opportunities.
When your parents (teachers, etc.) exercise authority over you, they do so for your own good.
The more your parents see that you have mature judgment, the fewer restrictions they will place on you.
In-class activity: The Art of Conversation
Conversation is at the heart of our relationships. To have good relationships we need to have good communication.
Conversation is an art. It is organic and spontaneous, but also something you can practice and improve over time.
Eye-contact is a primary way of showing interest in people.
Out-of-class work
Fill out the Time Use Sheet.
Review your completed Time Use Sheet.
With the help of your mentor, create a weekly schedule.
Complete a Monthly Goals Sheet.