< December: Living with Authority

JANUARY: dating and high school

Main Points of Class

  • Dating is aimed at marriage and raising a family.

  • Until you are psychologically, emotionally, and economically ready for lifelong commitment in marriage, it is premature and unwise to get “serious” about dating one person exclusively.

  • In relationships with women, you should always treat them with respect, as you would treat your own mother or sister. You should ask yourself, “Will I be a predator or a protector?”

In-class activity: Refining Communication

  • Love and service require communication. To give the best of ourselves, we need to try to communicate in a thoughtful way.

  • Not all communication is the same. Each means of communication has advantages and disadvantages.

  • To communicate well, put yourself in the shoes of the person you with whom you need to communicate and ask yourself, “How can I help them and love them most effectively?”.

  • Sending someone a letter can be a way of showing thoughtfulness and care that is difficult to do with other forms of communication, especially digital ones.

Out-of-class work

  • Read the Rules on Dating document.


  • Complete a Monthly Goals Sheet.