< January: Dating and High School

FEBRUARY: staying focused

Main Points of Class

  • A person capable of sustained, concentrated effort will do well in life.

  • Sustained, concentrated effort requires freedom from distractions; this freedom is primarily a question of internal discipline (temperance).

  • Temperance gives you the strength to concentrate on the things that will make you truly happy.

  • Temperance is acquired through repeated acts. The very act of fighting distractions builds up the strength needed to fight in the future, and vice versa.

  • Get used to saying “no.”

In-class activity: Dressing Well for Others, Part 1

  • By dressing well, we are giving the best of ourselves to others, because dressing well makes life more pleasant for those around us, even if they do not realize it.

  • Dressing well does not mean wearing fancier clothing or more expensive brands. It means dressing ourselves as best we can according to what is appropriate for the occasion.

  • Within the realm of what is appropriate, the most important consideration is not our personal comfort, but to see our dress as an expression of our self-respect and a way to make life more pleasant for others.

Out-of-class work

  • Fill out the Study Habits Questionnaire.

  • Circle the areas you think you need to work on most on the Study Habits for Success sheet.

  • If you get your report card, bring it to the next mentoring session.


  • Complete a Monthly Goals Sheet.