< 8th Grade Overview

OCTOBER: setting goals for the future

Main Points of Class

  • High school is an opportunity to prepare for becoming a great man, defined by success and excellence in the four big tasks of life: fatherhood, professional work, citizenship, and friendship. These are the keys to a happy life.

  • Decisions made during these years will largely determine the person you will be: the friends you choose, the habits you develop, etc. Each year is important in setting the direction for a happy life.

  • We should have a map of life, a projected timeline of life, so to speak, to give us direction in the big and small decisions we make. It is helpful to have a mentor to guide us to follow that map and prepare us to fulfill life's four big tasks.

  • In order to arrive at the destination of being a successful father, friend, professional, and citizen, it is important to leave high school with three foundations firmly established: the right ideals, meaningful relationships, and the virtues and skills that make up good character.

  • These four years should prepare us for life by helping us:
    a) to develop an attitude of reflection;
    b) to make the most of the challenges, responsibilities and opportunities of life;
    c) to give our best shot at the one life we have;
    d) to learn from experience.

  • In summary, remember the following.
    a) You only have one life. What you do during your high school years largely determines whether you will be successful in life's four big tasks.
    b) It is important to have a map of life to give you direction and a mentor to help you reach your destination.
    c) In order to be successful in life's big tasks, three foundations are necessary: the right ideals, meaningful relationships, and the virtues and skills that make up good character.

Activity: Impromptu Speeches

  • It is important to know how to think and communicate "on your feet," so to speak. This activity gave each participant the opportunity to give an impromptu speech on a random topic and receive feedback.

Out-of-class work

  • Discuss Life Goals sheet with dad.


  • Fill out the Life Goals Sheet.

  • Complete an Inventory.