Eisenhower (Ambrose, Stephen)
Thomas Jefferson (Appleby)
Confessions (Augustine, St)
Thomas Becket (Barlow)
Hiding Place, The (Boom, Corrie Ten)
First American, The (Brands, HW)
Alexander the Great (Cartledge, Paul)
Alexander Hamilton (Chernow, Ron)
Washington: A Life (Chernow, Ron)
St. Thomas Aquinas: the Dumb Ox (Chesterton, G.K.)
Last Crusader, The (De Wohl, Louis)
When Hell Was in Session (Denton, Jeremiah)
Diary of a Young Girl, The (Frank, Anne)
Unbroken (Hillenbrand, Laura)
American Caesar (Manchester, William)
Last Lion, The (Manchester, William)
When Pride Still Mattered (Maraniss, David)
Peter the Great (Massie, R.K.)
John Adams (McCullough, David)
Admiral of The Ocean Sea (Morison, Samuel Eliot)
Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, The (Morris, Edmund)
With Malice Toward None (Oates, Stephen B.)
Plutarch’s Lives (Plutarch)
Lee and Grant (Smith, Gene)
Man for Others, A (Treese, Patricia)
Joan of Arc (Twain, Mark)
Edmund Campion (Waugh, Evelyn)